The Earth and Humankind are in the midst of a major breakthrough!
In a strange and incredible way, the Coronavirus Pandemic is blowing down the old “walls” and concepts of humanity – and life itself on Planet Earth.
Since the dawn of time – when life began on Earth – there has been a constant flow of evolution. The Force that the world calls God has become a merging wave of life. It has been moving in an unerring voyage to One!
All of us – and all the forms of life – are growing into an intelligent force of life that merges into One Life, One Mind, One loving consciousness! It is an evolutionary pathway that began with a mythical Garden of Eden wherein Adam and Eve left to create a world cycle of growth whose focus is becoming a merging into a constant of total, unerring, unconditional Love that equally benefits all of its billions of parts.
Guided by a wondrous unifying Force humans call God, life on Planet Earth has demonstrated that only one verb, adjective, noun can describe and create a successful life force and literal “Heaven”. The word is Love – total and unconditional! It is the universal force, energy, intelligence of all life merging into a universal goodness and wonder humans call God.
After an Eon of time, the God Force planted seeds of unending life cycles and loved them into being. They were allowed to find their ways through endless cycles of Life – to test and discover what life is all about – and the only way that works is for all its millions of parts to love one another. To help show the way, the God Force sent teachers and guides like Buddha, Lao Tse, Moses, Christ and Mohammed.
The years – world cycles – of the final era began as a teacher and example of unlimited Love called Jesus led the Way with a crucial life drama to show that a force called Love is the answer that makes the whole Universe function, prosper and constantly grow.
An age of intelligence and technology has tested this Truth and shown that absence of Love brings constant death – as total Love creates total Life! After a series of worldwide wars have massacred multiple millions, total Love – the Force and identity of the Creator God – is bringing the opportunity to unify each living being together in One.
As the “material world” has slowly discovered itself, humanity has explored, puzzled over, loved and fought over its spirituality – another mysterious component, element and frontier of all life where most experience that God dwells.
This singular Love Energy can allow each individual being to “think” with the intelligence of the “All” of God while keeping its individuality – as long as he or she remains in an unconditionally loving connection to the Creator God Force.
This is the challenge of the new “Millennium” – preserving physical life as the launch pad for the spiritual life; and smoothing out the transition between physical life and spiritual mystery by removing the specter of “death” from the mix.
This is the challenge of a new spiritual “business” cooperative effort called Wake Up Training which seeks to merge “doing life’s business” with the Creator of it all which is Love!