Why do we create this unusual website called wake-uptraining.com?
It is a beginning thrust to awaken our world to its full potential. It is devoted to helping you discover the magic in your life called Love.
Why – when Love feels so good – and the world is in such overwhelming need of it – why can’t we learn?
Think about it.
If over 7 billion of us, who live on this small, lovely planet, could simply Love each other, our problems would, literally, vanish.
A group of us, who Love one another, are doing something about it. We are creating a new training system and this website to awaken human beings to their full, loving potential.
First, we went to God and asked how to do it.
This website is the answer we are receiving.
It is a call to live our lives as we were created to live them – as loving children of God.
As we do that, we offer everyone the opportunity to wake up to our full potential. Together we can create Love and joy and peace and wealth and health and a living connection to God that breaks down all the barriers that divide us and cause tragedies like pandemics, wars, poverty, sickness and separation.
We discovered something else, however, that is a fascinating and essential corollary of Wake-Up Training. Total Love requires being One with God – who IS Love! And God is not only a physical force; God is spiritual. In a strange and wonderful way, connecting to Love and God involves using a series of evolving human gifts and senses that are spiritual rather than physical. Consequently, Wake-up Training involves learning to use our often dormant and wonderful spiritual gifts and senses. So, if you sign on to Wake-up Training, get set for a joy ride!
If you doubt that this goal is possible, you haven’t yet found the Gateway to Love. Help us create this website as such a gateway -a social medium of total,unending Love – and then, together we can prove to every living creature on Earth that Love is the answer!!